Créditos da imagem: Globo
Top 5 – “Pojeto” Lorota
Lei de Godwin é como foi batizada a probabilidade de uma discussão na internet terminar com uma analogia a Hitler ou o nazismo. Antes mesmo da rede mundial de computadores, o Brasil já tinha uma versão: a Lei de “Globwin”. Significa que, mais cedo ou mais tarde, a culpa de qualquer coisa será imputada à Rede Globo de Televisão. Aumentou o preço do abacate? É porque a Globo tem interesse na venda do abacaxi. Despencou o mercado do abacaxi? Foi a Globo, que agora está mancomunada com o consumo de papaia. Na última semana, foi a vez de Vanderlei Luxemburgo, em entrevista à própria emissora, dizer que sua trajetória na Seleção foi interrompida por causa da Globo. Desavisados e desmemoriados são capazes de concordar, numa espécie de empatia da antipatia. Poupem a Vênus Platinada dessa. Aqui vão os reais motivos da derrocada do técnico que, supostamente, reverteria o “fracasso” do vice-campeonato mundial de 1998.
5 – Síndrome do “nó tático” – como são-paulino, recordo exatamente quando os jornalistas fãs de Luxemburgo consagraram o termo entre aspas. Foi após a primeira partida da decisão do Campeonato Paulista de 1998, quando seu Corinthians bateu o SPFC – que venceu o segundo jogo e o campeonato. Contratado pela CBF e campeão brasileiro daquele ano, Luxemburgo gostou da ideia de se consagrar à frente dos jogadores. Foi o que o levou a buscar alternativas inusitadas que surtiram efeitos nada pretendidos. Meu deslize favorito aconteceu contra o Paraguai, em Assunção. Djalminha, meia por excelência, foi escalado como centroavante – digamos que antecipando o “falso 9” de Guardiola. Rivaldo viria de trás e confundiria a defesa paraguaia. Como de costume nestas situações, faltou combinar com o adversário, que venceu por 2 a 1. A vontade de se sobrepor às características dos atletas, não raro sob aplausos iniciais da imprensa, foi devidamente castigada.
4 – Supremacia doméstica, patinada internacional – embora a Seleção tenha vencido a Copa América de 1999, na última participação oficial de Ronaldo antes da Copa de 2002, o mundo das estatísticas perguntava se os conceitos do multicampeão nacional seriam bem sucedidos fora do país. A própria conquista do torneio continental foi bastante facilitada. Só o Brasil mandou a equipe principal completa, sendo que, mesmo assim, foi preciso suar sangue contra a Argentina, nas quartas. Esta dúvida seguiu acompanhando o currículo de Vanderlei nos anos seguintes à demissão da CBF. Além de nunca ter chegado a uma decisão de Libertadores, houve a passagem nada memorável pelo Real Madrid, em que seu característico 4-4-2 com três volantes (possivelmente seu auge conceitual) naufragou contra equipes compactas – deficiência bem mais grave que seu portunhol constrangedor.
3 – Vedetismo e convocações estranhas – desde o vitorioso ciclo no Palmeiras, Luxemburgo era conhecido por alguns conflitos com jogadores. Como normalmente eram contra encrenqueiros do naipe de Edmundo, a opinião geral costumava dar razão ao técnico. Mas o treinador extrapolou na Seleção. A ânsia por ser o dono da bola já gerou uma briga logo de cara, com Marcelinho Carioca – que também era seu jogador no Corinthians. Foi apenas o começo de uma série de intrigas que tiveram um apogeu patético: em 1999, logo após Ronaldo sofrer cirurgia no joelho (um ano depois, faria outra), reclamou publicamente que o atleta não telefonou para informar como estava. “Ué, se eu fui operado, não era ele que devia ligar?” – respondeu o centroavante, com lógica fenomenal. Paralelamente, algumas convocações suspeitas geravam falatório, em especial nos casos de Evanílson, João Carlos e Mozart. Prática que, justiça seja feita, seria repetida por sucessores.
2 – Miau… – Falar em “atacante gato” nem sempre foi falta de assunto da revista “Quem” e similares. Enquanto Luxemburgo claudicava na Seleção, o futebol brasileiro se via às voltas com casos de adulteração na idade de atletas, como Sandro Hiroshi. Mas um descuido no site do treinador fez com que descobrissem que, décadas atrás, o lateral-esquerdo Vanderlei Luxemburgo tapeara a idade em TRÊS ANOS para conseguir um lugar nos juvenis do Flamengo. Com o desempenho do Brasil bastante questionado até por colunistas não-esportivos, o escândalo deixou imprensa e opinião pública ainda mais desgostosas com o “estrategista”, que bem poderia ter aproveitado os fatos paralelos para admitir a falsificação (até porque o crime estava prescrito) antes da descoberta. Até houve quem não fizesse parte do pelotão de fuzilamento. Alguns jornalistas, como Juarez Soares, rasgaram a integridade para lhe dar crédito incondicional. Nem assim conseguiram trazer simpatia à tese de que “ele só queria trabalhar”.
1 – Vexame olímpico – na entrevista a Casagrande, Luxemburgo disse que um dos motivos do ataque global foi não ter convocado Romário para os Jogos de 2000, em Sydney. Na verdade, o técnico decidiu não convocar nenhum atleta acima de 23 anos, contando com o talento de jovens como Alex, Ronaldinho Gaúcho, Roger e Lúcio. Deveria ter sido o suficiente para uma busca competitiva pelo ouro, só que não. O que se viu foi uma classificação dramática para as quartas-de-final, com Alex tentando puxar – em vão – um abraço coletivo ao técnico. O pior viria contra Camarões. Dominados e perdendo por 1 a 0, os brasileiros aproveitaram duas expulsões dos africanos para empatar no minuto final, com Ronaldinho. Com onze contra nove, era questão de calma para ganhar na prorrogação com “golden goal”. Mas o time perdeu gols incríveis (um deles com o volante Fabiano, genro do técnico), tomou um gol e voltou para casa sob merecidas vaias, em especial para o desmoralizado comandante.
Como se vê, não era preciso nem Fantástico, nem Jornal Nacional, nem mesmo sermão de Galvão Bueno. O mais inacreditável é que, segundo conhecida versão de Milton Neves, o treinador chegou a ser cotado para reassumir a Seleção meses depois, quando Émerson Leão foi demitido. Detalhe cruel e irônico: talvez frustrado pela preterição em favor do rival Luiz Felipe Scolari, Kid Madureira criou um novo caso (outra vez com Marcelinho Carioca) na véspera da partida final da Copa do Brasil. No dia seguinte, seu time seria derrotado pelo Grêmio, então sob a batuta de um novo e promissor técnico chamado Tite. O mundo dá muitas voltas. Nem por isso a História deve ser recontada quando convém.
Leia também:
– Seja bem-vindo (desde que no clube dos outros e não no meu), Vanderlei!
Bom demais!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tem gente que se aproveita da passagem do tempo pra contar qualquer lorota!!!!!!!!!!!! O Luxa nunca deu certo na seleção mesmo e caiu de maduro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Muito oportunas as lembranças, Gustavo Fernandes! Gostei especialmente da número 3! É assustador como em determinada época o Luxemburgo tinha como modus operandi afastar os ídolos dos clubes pelos quais passava! Não é coincidência que foi o responsável pelas saídas de Ronaldo (goleiro), Neto e Marcelinho do Corinthians, e do Giovanni do Santos. Certamente tem outros casos que não estou me lembrando agora, mas parecia algo patológico…
Isso porque ele não jogava pôquer na época…
Um retrato fiel do profexô.
Rudson Soares Everton Bruno Bruno Wesley Ronald Barbosa Leonardo Carvalho Julia Gomes Safya Antunes Murilo Monteiro
[…] destacar que este colunista não está confirmando a “Lei de Globwin”, citada em coluna anterior, sobre tudo ser culpa da Globo. Na concorrência da TV aberta é pior ainda. Todos se utilizam do […]
Understanding How Testosterone Injections Work: What You Need
to Know for Effective Treatment
Testosterone injections are a common treatment option for individuals with low
testosterone levels (hypogonadism). These injections provide testosterone directly into
the body, bypassing the natural hormone production process.
This method can help restore hormonal balance and improve symptoms associated with low testosterone.
### How Testosterone Injections Work:
1. **Consultation with a Healthcare Provider**: Before starting any treatment, you must consult
with a healthcare professional who can evaluate your testosterone levels and determine if injections are appropriate for your condition.
2. **Injection Process**: Testosterone injections are typically
administered in a clinical or home setting, depending on the prescriber’s
guidelines. The injection site is usually intramuscular (into the
muscle) or subcutaneous (under the skin).
3. **Dosage and Frequency**: The dosage and frequency
of injections vary based on individual needs and medical recommendations.
Your healthcare provider will determine the right schedule for your treatment.
4. **Adherence and Monitoring**: It’s crucial to follow the prescribed treatment plan, including regular
follow-ups with your doctor to monitor hormone levels and adjust the dosage as needed.
### Key Points to Consider:
– Testosterone injections can improve energy, mood, and overall
well-being in individuals with low testosterone.
– Side effects may include injection site reactions, swelling,
or discomfort, which are usually mild.
– Long-term use requires careful medical supervision, as excessive testosterone can lead to health
Always consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice and to determine if testosterone injections are the right treatment for you.
# How Testosterone Injections Work: What You Need to
Know for Effective Treatment
## Introduction
Testosterone is a hormone that plays a pivotal role in maintaining male health, energy levels, and overall well-being.
For individuals with low testosterone levels, or
hypogonadism, testosterone injections can be an effective treatment option. This article explores how testosterone
injections work, their mechanisms, benefits, side effects,
and considerations for use.
## What is Testosterone and Why is it Important?
Testosterone is a sex hormone produced by the testes
in men and is essential for:
– Maintaining male libido and sexual function.
– Promoting muscle growth and bone density.
– Regulating metabolism and energy levels.
– Supporting cognitive function and emotional well-being.
Levels of testosterone naturally decline with age, leading to symptoms like fatigue,
low sex drive, and mood swings. When left untreated, these can significantly impact quality of life.
## What Does Testosterone Do?
Testosterone is a versatile hormone involved in:
– Reducing fat storage and increasing muscle mass.
– Enhancing cardiovascular health.
– Supporting sperm production and fertility.
– Regulating the body’s immune response.
Understanding its role helps in appreciating why it is critical
for male health and why treatments like injections are sought after.
## What Happens When Testosterone Levels are Low?
Low testosterone can lead to a variety of health issues, including:
– Erectile dysfunction.
– Depression or mood disorders.
– Bone density loss.
– Cognitive decline.
– Increased susceptibility to infections.
Addressing low testosterone levels through appropriate treatment options like injections can help restore balance and
improve overall health.
## How Do Testosterone Injections Work?
Testosterone injections work by supplementing the body’s natural testosterone production, thereby alleviating symptoms
of hypogonadism. The mechanism involves:
– **Mechanism of Action**: Injected testosterone is absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the
body via blood cells. It works similarly to endogenous testosterone but
in a controlled manner, ensuring consistent hormone levels.
## Absorption and Distribution in the Body
Once injected, testosterone is metabolized by the liver and converted into various forms (e.g., estradiol)
that interact with different receptors in the body.
This ensures that the hormone’s effects are widespread, impacting metabolism, muscle function, and sexual health.
## How Injections Differ from Other Forms of Testosterone Therapy
While other forms of testosterone therapy exist (e.g., patches, oral supplements), injections provide several advantages:
– **Precision**: Injections allow for exact dosing based on individual needs.
– **Consistency**: Unlike other forms that may degrade or be less bioavailable over time, injections maintain steady hormone levels.
– **Quick Effects**: Testosterone injections start working within days, unlike some oral treatments that can take
weeks to show effects.
## Benefits of Testosterone Injections
Testosterone injections offer a range of benefits, including:
– Improved energy levels and stamina.
– Enhanced muscle mass and strength.
– Increased libido and sexual function.
– Better mood and emotional well-being.
– Healthier bone density and cardiovascular health.
These benefits make testosterone injections a valuable tool for managing symptoms of low testosterone.
## Types of Testosterone Injections: Which One is Right for You?
Several types of testosterone injections are available, each with its own properties and uses.
Common types include:
– **Testosterone Propionate**: A fast-acting form ideal for individuals
needing immediate effects or frequent adjustments.
– **Testosterone Enanthate/Cyanoxybalsterone (CBT)**:
A longer-lasting option that maintains steady hormone
levels over time.
– **Testosterone Cypionate**: Another long-acting ester with
similar benefits to enanthate.
The choice of injection type depends on individual needs, preferences,
and the prescribing physician’s recommendations.
## Frequency and Dosage Variations
Dosage and frequency vary based on the type
of injection and the patient’s condition. For example:
– **Enanthate/CBT**: Typically administered every 1-2 weeks with
a dosage range of 100-400 mg per injection.
– **Propionate**: Can be injected more frequently (e.g., every 1-2 days) with smaller doses to maintain steady levels.
Factors like age, health status, and the severity of low testosterone levels influence dosage decisions.
## Factors That Influence Which Type is Prescribed
Doctors consider several factors when prescribing testosterone injections:
– **Severity of Symptoms**: The more pronounced the symptoms (e.g., low energy,
decreased libido), the stronger the treatment needed.
– **Patient Preference**: Some individuals prefer faster-acting options
for immediate benefits, while others may opt for longer-acting injections for convenience.
– **Medical History**: Conditions like heart disease
or liver issues may influence injection type due to
potential side effects.
## What Can You Expect During Testosterone Injection Therapy?
The experience of testosterone injection therapy varies but generally
– **Administration Process**: Self-injection is possible, though it requires training and
proper technique. Clinical injections are also available
through healthcare providers.
– **Frequency of Injections**: Depending on the type, injections may
be needed once or multiple times per week.
## Monitoring Your Therapy
Regular monitoring is essential to ensure that the treatment is
effective and safe. This includes:
– Blood tests to measure testosterone levels.
– Regular check-ups with a healthcare provider.
– Monitoring for side effects and adjusting dosage as needed.
## Long-Term Commitment
Testosterone injections require a long-term commitment to maintain optimal hormone levels.
Skipping doses or stopping treatment abruptly can lead to rapid declines in testosterone levels, worsening symptoms.
## Potential Side Effects of Testosterone Injections
While testosterone injections are generally safe when used appropriately, they
can carry side effects, including:
### Common Side Effects
– Acne and facial hair (in males).
– Swelling or redness at the injection site.
– Changes in cholesterol levels (e.g., increased LDL, decreased
– Stomach pain or acid reflux.
### Rare But Serious Side Effects
– Liver toxicity or damage.
– Increased risk of cardiovascular events (e.g., heart attack or stroke).
– Sleep apnea or breathing difficulties.
– Reduced fertility in some cases.
### Managing Side Effects with Your Doctor’s Help
Most side effects can be managed with lifestyle changes or medical interventions under a doctor’s supervision. Regular check-ups are crucial to
identify and address any issues early on.
## How Long Does It Take for Testosterone Injections to Work?
Testosterone injections work quickly, with many patients noticing
improvements in energy levels and mood within a few days. However, the full effects may
take weeks or months to manifest, depending on the individual and the underlying cause of low testosterone.
### Short-Term Effects
– Increased libido and sexual function.
– Reduced fatigue and improved stamina.
### Mid-Term Effects
– Noticeable muscle growth and strength.
– Better emotional well-being and mental clarity.
### Long-Term Effects
– Reduced risk of health complications associated with
low testosterone, such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular issues.
## Factors That Affect How Fast Testosterone Works
The speed at which testosterone injections work can vary based on:
– The type of injection (e.g., fast-acting vs. long-acting).
– Individual metabolism and hormone levels.
– The underlying condition being treated (e.g., age-related decline
vs. hypogonadism caused by an illness).
## Are There Any Risks of Long-Term Use of Testosterone Injections?
While testosterone injections are generally safe for short-term use,
long-term use can have risks. Potential concerns include:
– **Impact on Fertility**: High doses or prolonged use may reduce sperm count and
– **Risk to Heart Health**: Increased risk of cardiovascular issues,
especially in individuals with pre-existing heart conditions.
– **Liver Function**: Long-term use can strain the liver, leading to damage
or toxicity.
– **Sleep Apnea**: Testosterone may worsen sleep apnea symptoms in some individuals.
– **Prostate Health**: High testosterone levels can contribute to prostate issues.
### Managing Risks with Regular Check-Ups
Regular monitoring and check-ups can help identify and address these risks early, ensuring that the benefits of testosterone
injections outweigh the potential harms.
## How Do Testosterone Injections Impact Overall Health?
Testosterone injections can significantly improve overall health
– **Boosting Energy Levels**: Reducing fatigue
and increasing stamina.
– **Enhancing Muscle Mass and Strength**: Promoting lean muscle growth and physical performance.
– **Improving Mood and Emotional Well-being**: Alleviating symptoms
of depression, anxiety, and mood disorders.
– **Supporting Sexual Health**: Enhancing libido and improving sexual function.
– **Cognitive Function and Mental Clarity**: Improving focus, memory, and mental sharpness.
### Importance of Healthy Habits
While testosterone injections can provide impressive results, they are most effective
when combined with a healthy lifestyle. This includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate
sleep, and stress management techniques.
## What Are the Costs and Accessibility of Testosterone Injection Therapy?
The cost of testosterone injection therapy
varies widely based on factors like:
### Average Costs of Testosterone Injections
– **Self-injection**: Approximately $50-$100 per injection, depending on the brand and dosage.
– **Clinical injections**: May be covered by insurance or
provided at little to no cost through clinical trials.
### Insurance Coverage for Testosterone Injections
Insurance coverage for testosterone injections depends
on the insurer and the medical necessity of treatment.
Many policies require a prior authorization or may exclude certain types of treatments unless
prescribed by a specialist.
### Accessibility of Testosterone Injection Therapy
Accessibility can be a challenge, as not all individuals have access to affordable healthcare or insurance coverage.
However, clinical trials for new testosterone formulations
often provide free or low-cost options for participants.
## Conclusion
Testosterone injections are a highly effective treatment option for addressing symptoms
of low testosterone. While they offer significant benefits, it is
crucial to weigh them against potential risks and work closely with a
healthcare provider to ensure safe and effective use.
With proper monitoring and adherence to treatment plans, many individuals can enjoy
improved health and well-being through testosterone injection therapy.
## Questions and Answers
**Q: How long do I need to use testosterone injections before seeing results?**
A: Many patients notice improvements within a few days, but full effects may take weeks or months, depending on the individual and underlying cause.
**Q: Is it safe to stop testosterone injections suddenly?**
A: Stopping abruptly can lead to rapid hormone decline, worsening symptoms.
Always consult with your doctor before making any changes.
**Q: Can I inject testosterone at home if I have proper training?**
A: Yes, but self-injection requires proper technique and regular monitoring.
Your healthcare provider may provide training if needed.
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